Saturday 24th April 2011 - Shenstone

This morning at Shenstone there were 2 Wheaters (1♂) present in ploughed fields along Witch Lane.  The Cuckoo was still present singing near the Islamic School at Heath Lane and a 2nd Cuckoo was heard singing along Witch Lane (TMH).   Also, a Cinnabar Moth was seen on the wing near Captains Pool (TS)

It was early afternoon before I was able to get around the patch by which time the Heath Lane Cuckoo had stopped singing and the 2 Wheatears had moved on.  There was a new arrival though in a Garden Warbler that was singing from bushes along Stanklyn Lane.

I managed to locate the Cuckoo on Witch Lane and it was singing and showing quite well.  This enabled me to get a photo and a sound recording of this bird....result! 

Cuckoo - Shenstone, 23rd April 2011:

Cuckoo - Shenstone 23.04.11 by Shenstone Birder


  1. Been looking all week for a garden warbler Jase! I'm wondering if this is another species i'm going to lose on my patch :-(

  2. Its still pretty early for Garden Warbler Warren...they will probably be in in greater numbers during next couple of weeks...I'm sure you will pick one up
