The ♂
Ring Ouzel was present for an incredible 6 consecutive days from Tuesday 2nd to Sunday 7th April and was enjoyed by birders during that period.
Below is a round up of the other patch goings on over the past week or so:
Wednesday 3rd April:
First patch
Chiffchaff arrived. Seen flitting around in Alder at edge of Captains Pool (TS)
Friday 5th April:
Greylag Goose was present on Captains Pool and 3
Teal (1♂, 2♀) were also present (TS). Greylag is a scarce visitor in patch terms and can be less than annual.
Saturday 6th April:
I decided to visit the patch early evening to have yet another look at the
Ring Ouzel. Whilst stood on the public footpath I was treated to the sound of a
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker calling 8 or 9 times from the woodland on the opposite side of the road. This really lifted my spirits as I am yet to see one on the patch although there were a couple of reports of one not far from there last winter.
Wednesday 10th April:
Undertook a dusk visit to the patch looking for Owls. No joy but did have cracking views of a
Muntjac Deer near Stanklyn Wood. A patch lifer!
Thursday 11th April:
Early pm Tony recorded 20
Sand Martins and 8
Swallows through at Captains Pool. I popped there late afternoon and recorded 5
Sand Martins, 4
Swallows and a single
House Martin. Two
Chiffchaffs were singing from the trees surrounding Captains Pool. A ♂
Great Spotted Woodpecker was showing well in an Oak at the water's edge.
After partaking of refreshments at the lakeside tea room, Tony and I headed out to do a tour of the fields. They were very quiet with the exception of Barrs Lane where 165
Fieldfare and 5
Redwing were seen feeding on the freshly sown field. A further 9
Redwing were present in Stanklyn paddocks.
The undoubted highlight of this visit was seeing the
Little Owl showing very well. I really do love this species!
Little Owl - 11th April
Friday 12th April:
Corn Bunting flock is now breaking up with only 11 remaining flocked together at one location.
Yellowhammer was singing from a hedgerow along Stanklyn Lane. There were 6
Fieldfare present in the paddocks and a
Chiffchaff was singing nearby.
In contrast to the previous day, Barrs Lane was very quite with only 12
Skylarks of note on the freshly sown field. A single
Meadow Pipit flew over heading WNW. A
Corn Bunting and 16
Linnets were present in the Butts Lane area.
At Heath Lane a
Mistle Thrush and 7
Fieldfare were present in the field adjacent to the paddock. The seemingly ever present ♂
Kestrel was on the wires and an
Orange Underwing moth sp. was seen flying over the paddock in the sunshine and landed in the canopy of one of the tall trees between the paddock and the Islamic school. Nearby, 2
Ravens were present at the rear of the model aircraft field.
Saturday 13th April:
There were 3 Willow Warblers and a ♂
Blackcap present in the trees at edge of Captains Pool (TS).