Sunday 14th April - Shenstone & Grimley

The weather today was mild but overcast with light drizzle. No photos for today's post I'm afraid...the weather just wasn't conducive!

On arriving at the patch I checked out Stanklyn Lane paddocks first.  Little was happening here but for a single Swallow that passed through heading NW. 

My walk around the edge of Stanklyn wood proved more productive with 2 Teal (1♂, 1♀) present again in the wet woodland.  A Chiffchaff was singing from within the wood and a Nuthatch was showing well.

At Heath Lane, a 2nd Swallow flew over also heading NW.  A Yellowhammer was showing well at the model aircraft field and a ♂ Kestrel was hunting at the paddock.  The field adjacent to the paddock was quite productive and held 26 Fieldfares, 1 Redwing and a single Corn Bunting.

Next stop was Witch Lane where I walked the wooded footpath to view across the far fields.  A single Jay was present along the path and 26 Stock Doves were on the fresh plough.  6 Swallows (two groups of  three) flew over heading North.

My final stop off was Barrs Lane and this was by far the most productive area of the patch today.  An incredible 198 Fieldfares, 4 Redwings, c.80 Starlings and 26 Meadow Pipits were still present on the newly sown field.  A Yellowhammer was present singing from the adjacent hedgerow and a Corn Bunting was singing from the rear of Stone Manor.

From Shenstone I headed over to Holt & Grimley to check out what was about at the gravel pits.

Sling Pool at Holt and it's adjacent flooded field held a good mix of species with highlights including 1 adult ♂ Yellow Wagtail, 3 White Wagtails, 5 Pied Wagtails, 3 Green Sandpipers, 2 Oystercatchers, 1 Common Snipe, 18 Gadwall and 13 Shoveler.  Other species noted included Lapwing, Teal and Tufted Duck.  Large numbers of Sand Martins were hawking low over the water.

Next up I popped to the Island Pool at the old workings.  Here there were a further 2 Oystercatchers (one of which looked like it was sitting on eggs), 5 Gadwall, 23 Tufted Duck, 1♂ Teal and 2 Sand Martin

At Camp Lane pits I had my undoubted highlight of the day when I found a cracking ♂ Northern Wheatear along the east side of the pit.  Also of note here were 3 Yellow Wagtails, 1 Common Sandpiper, 8 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Redshank, 1 Oystercatcher an a ♂ Wigeon.


  1. A super list of species there Jason. Quite a lot that I see only rarely around here.

  2. I think Ive had the Last of the winter thrushes here Jase, roll on autumn :-) :-)

  3. Cheers Phil...I have had a productive week and seen some good birds locally...I just need to get posting!

    Warren - Nooooo! Autumn is followed by winter (and I loathe winter)...give me Spring/Summer any day of the week

  4. A very nice round up Jason and a great array of birds. Well done on the Wheatear. Glad to see Corn Buntings on the list. Do let us know if those plans get permanently dropped!

    I could have written that reply to Warren myself ;-)

  5. I agree with Jan..a very nice round up and a great array of birds Jason!

    I too could have written that reply to Warren!:-)

  6. Jan - Cheers...will keep you posted!

    Pam - was a good day
