Heath Lane was very quite and seemed almost bird less except for the Chiffchaff that was still present near the Islamic School playing fields.
I decided to check out the ploughed fields at Summerfield next. A large flock of c.120 Chaffinch were here. They were mostly feeding on the ground although some individuals were flycatching from the trees. I also saw another Peacock butterfly here.
My final stop was Butts Lane where I recorded 3 Corn Bunting, 5 Yellowhammer, a single Reed Bunting and a Common Buzzard. An area of Coltsfoot was in flower in the arable headland just off the public footpath.
Coltsfoot - 19th March 2011:

Beautiful pictures of the Coltsfoots.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob...thats the thing with working a local patch, you notice its beauty all around you from the birds and butterflies to the smallest of flowers