Other inverts of interest were a caterpillar of The Drinker moth and a Tree Bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum). Many Alder Flies and White-lipped Snails (Cepaea hortensis) were also noted.
Alder Fly (Sialis lutaria)
The Drinker (Euthrix potatoria) larva

The highlight of the day though came in the form of a bird when a female Goshawk flew over and perched up in one of the large trees at the rear of the coppice. The bird was out of sight and was calling on/off for a few minutes before taking flight again, coming back into view and heading off high in a SW direction...a really magical moment!
From Hillditch I decided to head over to 'the patch'. Although it was starting to cloud over a little it was still mild and plenty of inverts were still on show.
I started my visit at Butts Lane/Barrs Lane where it was Shieldbug central with Dock Bugs and Pied Shieldbugs everywhere. There had also been a bit of an emergence of Green Shieldbugs with a few pairs seen 'in cop'. A Drinker moth larva was also noted here.
At the Stanklyn Wood the Bluebells were in full bloom and looking rather splendid. A few clumps of Marsh Marigold were in flower in the damper areas and nearby a Coal Tit was busily singing away.
Along Stanklyn Lane 2 Swallows had returned and were busy hawking for insects over the paddocks and 3 Common Buzzards were up soaring over the gallops field.
On the mown verge along the lane I found 6 fruiting bodies of the Yellow Fieldcap mushroom (Bolbitius titubans).
Heath lane was quiet but for a ♂ Kestrel perched on the wires next to the Islamic school.
Pied Shieldbug (Tritomegas bicolor)
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