Well it's been a long time coming but finally I have finally made my return to the world of blogging. I am now writing a new blog called "A Year on the Common" which can be accessed at the following link:
So what is this new blog all about. We'll, the basic idea is that I am spending a 12 month period that commenced on the 1st January 2017 observing, recording and monitoring the wildlife of Hartlebury Common and the adjoining Hillditch Pool & Coppice nature reserve. Hartlebury Common is a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and is Worcestershire's largest remaining area of lowland heath and it is home to vast array of variety of flora and fauna, including some heathland specialities.
This blog will serve as an outlet for this project and a record of my findings. Of course these areas have been well monitored in the past but you never know what is out there to be found or what may have sadly disappeared over the years so it will prove an interesting experience.
Please check in on the new blog and share this journey with me.
A view across part of Hartlebury Common
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